Ryan Update

So, I’m certainly not posting often enough as so much has happened at I’m surely not remembering it all as I should.

Anyway, I had to leave Ry alone with David for a couple of days due to my Grandpa’s death and funeral.  D. wasn’t feeling well and I wasn’t up for taking care of Ry as well as myself during this time, so I left Ryan with David while I went to Indiana for a couple of days.  Gladly I was nothing less than stunned with this little unplanned experiment.  Not only did David and Ryan have a wonderful time together without too much fussiness- David cooked (which I don’t do hardly ever), he cleaned, and he took Ry out shopping.  David ended up feeling closer and more bonded to his son, which I would not have believed possible or necessary.  And they both enjoyed the time.   Dave was at least as good, if not better, at being full time mom than I am.  That’s it,  I’m leaving more often!  Though at least Ry was happy to see me when I got home.   I’d hate to be forgotten.

Ryan is still not babbling much, but he started adding g’s to his vocabulary on Christmas day.  Merry Christmas to Me!  Since then we’ve heard L’s, lots of z’s, and just today I heard a D or two.   I expect dada will come before mama– sweet just the same.

He absolutely loves having his teeth brushed, so I’ve started doing it 3x a day after meals instead of just once.  When I come toward him with a toothbrush on my finger he’ll open his mouth wide and smile at the same time,  sooooo sweet! And I hope it lasts as we have no dental insurance!

We’ve also recently started the sit up bath.  Ry has a ball splashing around and playing with his toys.   Baths are lasting much longer now that they are fun time.  Dave sets up the heater in the bathroom and gets Ry undressed,  then we play in the water until his little toes are prunes.   He splashes and splashes and plays with his little floaty toys forever.  I will wash him and D.  stands by to pick him up and dry him off, change him into jammies.

Ryan’s most recent trick (just happened today) is being able to get to sitting from his belly.  He’s done it several times, sometimes gets it wrong but now is getting it right more often!  So amazing to see his progress, and I’m so glad that I’m able to be here to see it.  My mom sent Ry a children’s music cd and when I played it for  him today he seemed to be dancing (while sitting) along to the beat!  More and more fun.

He goes through angel days and devil days.  I would like to apologize to all who have experienced the devil days.  One was during the Martin family Christmas.  Uncle Mike was playing with him and Ry decided that the world was coming to an end- for what seemed like hours.  I assure you that is the first time I EVER heard him scream like that and I will attribute it to the packed house as well as the tooth that popped through the next day or two.  Long live Tylenol- He’s had it 2x in his short life now and I’m very grateful for it.

Devil days are usually if not invariably unusual days- days away from the house to visit others or days at the house with others present.  Not fair as I want everyone to see what a wonderful boy we have!!

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