
We have been waiting for what seems like forever for the last of Ryan’s umbilical cord to fall off. Dave discovered this morning that it finally fell off in his clothes overnight. I’m looking forward to be able to bathe him for real instead of the spongebaths he has been getting- which by the way he no longer screams through. The mornings seem to be his most alert periods, he’s staying mostly awake from about 6-12 the last few days and needs to be held a lot, then drops off into a coma for a few hours. I think he may not be getting enough milk from nursing during this period because I finally break down and give him a bottle when nursing doesn’t seem to be cutting it and he falls right back to sleep.

He’s getting really good at holding his head midline when he’s held upright, and lifting his head more each day from partial prone position. He’s not getting much “tummy time” because he doesn’t like laying on his stomach for very long. Still can’t get him to track a moving object but he seems to like staring at faces.

He’s already grown out of some of his smaller outfits- kind of sad but I guess I’d better get used to him growing like a weed.

Would dearly love for him to start sleeping longer at night, but he’s on his own timer for waking every 3 hours to eat. At least he normally falls back to sleep easily. Dave has been doing a great job of spelling me for awhile when he’s home and I just need to sleep. It is so moving to see them together and the absolute adoration Dave has for our son.