2 month check-up

Ryan passed with flying colors! He now weighs 13 lbs and is 23.5 inches.  Dr.  Sova says he is above the 95’th percentile for both height and weight.  His head is now 39 cm in circumference.  Dr. says he is a big baby, but not overweight since he is growing proportionally.  Dr. also thinks Ryan’s beautiful baby blue eyes will stay blue, so Ry has daddy’s eyes.

He still has his fussy days when he can’t be made happy for very long and seems to eat every hour, but they are balanced by his angel baby days when he sleeps all day long or plays happily by looking around and at his toys.  I hesitate to say this for fear of jinxing myself, but more and more at night- last night included- he’s gone 8-9 hours without eating, 6 hours or more straight sleeping.  There is a God! And He loves me!

Ryan is getting a lot more smiley these days too.  Has even laughed out loud a few times- there cannot be a sweeter sound in this world!  Sometimes he smiles for no reason, other times at play.