Ryan’s First Rollovers

Well, his 2nd and 3rd, anyway.  I was playing with him on the floor tonight doing some “tummy time” and he wasn’t fussing about it like he normally does.  He was staying strong on his arms and looking purposeful.  Suddenly, he started to tilt to his right, extending his left arm and then lifting it.  Pretty soon, he had rolled from tummy to back for his first time.  It was like he just knew what to do.

Jen was nearby but missed the first one.  We put Ryan back on his tummy and he did a few more for us, this time on video.  I guess once he had it figured out, it was no problem from there.

Second rollover:

[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/DSCN2771.flv 320 240]

Third rollover:

[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/DSCN2772.flv 320 240]