4 months

Ryan’s 4 month check-up was this morning.  He’s still at or above the 95th percentile for height and weight.  Weighing around 16.5 to 17 lbs and is 26.5 inches long, so he grew 3 lbs and 3 inches in 2 months!   Dr. Sova says he’s growing very well.  Ryan started taking some rice cereal a couple times a day last week.  More ended up on him than in him.  We’ll be starting  vegetables soon.   Sleeping like a champ at night getting anywhere between 8-12 hrs at a stretch and taking 2-4 naps a day or about 3-5 hours total.   He absolutely loves to stand and can hold all of his weight for 5 minutes or so, also sitting supported by boppy for a couple of minutes.  Loves to “fly” as well, but he sure gets heavy fast for me!  He’s reaching for toys and shaking rattles.  Chews on his fingers or whatever he can get into his mouth- time to start babyproofing the house soon.  He loves loud smacking kisses-always gets big smiles.   Still wants to be held a lot of the time but is able to entertain himself for up to 30 minutes in his standing activity center or bouncy seat.  Also loving looking at mirrors.  He’s not rolled over in a couple of weeks, wonder if he’s forgotten how.