Ryan Update

Ry has had his first Christmas celebration this past weekend.  We made it to Indiana to celebrate Grandma Pettet’s 91’st birthday, Uncle Dave’s 50’th and the upcoming holiday.   His aunt Crystal got to meet him for the first time as well.  Ry had a fantastic time with all of the attention over a 2 day span couldn’t stand to sleep through the excitement.  His great grandma as well as great aunts seemed to love holding/rocking him.  He got more spoiled than ever.  So much so that the next 2 nights he refused to go to bed as usual and put up fits until midnight.  As of today I think our sweet baby is back to normal- what a relief.  I don’t think I’m up for staying up until all hours again this soon!

Ry has become a champ at sitting, well for a few minutes at a time anyway, he likes to rock back and forth while sitting.  His hands are always working, manipulating toys, playing with remotes, water bottles,  my hair, anything he can get his hands on.   He’s very ticklish at feet, thighs, neck, ribs and belly- so easy to make him smile-have to work a little harder to get a laugh.   Loves looking in the mirror, riding on our shoulders, bouncing, flying, sitting on a lap.  In general any time he gets close attention he loves it.  Is also playing well on his own for up to a half hour at a time.  He’s starting to put everything into his mouth.  I think teeth number 5 and 6 are coming in and are bothering him more than the first 4.  It’s funny to watch him trying to put things in his mouth that are too big to fit- like his rattle from aunt Val.   He tries over and over and just can’t get it all in.  He loves getting his teeth/gums brushed and will chew on the bristles for a minute after I’m finished.  I try to do it once every day.

He’s managed to scoot backward while on his belly many times now, but has only in the last couple of days made it to his knees- and just barely able to rock back and forth before his legs splay out.   I am in absolutely no hurry for him to become more mobile.