9 Months Old

Ryan is changing SO fast.  In the last 3 weeks he has started crawling.  Within a week of that he started pulling up to stand.  Now he can get just about anywhere he wants.  Sometimes he’ll get stuck under a chair and get frustrated or get wedged in between the furniture and wall and needs to be rescued.  Right now he seems to be going through a “mommy’s boy” phase and needs to keep me in sight.  If he gets bored in one room and starts to get fussy we can just move to another room and he’s good for at least another 20 minutes.  He has been a very picky eater lately and clams up after a few bites of most of his baby food,  but he’s drinking more formula than ever.

We just got back from his 9 mo.  doctor visit and he got good marks all around.   21 3/4 lbs and 29 inches.  Still above the 95th percentile for height and weight.   I asked Dr.  Sova about his speech, and Dr. said it’s fine that Ry isn’t babbling yet.  It’s fine he’s been boycotting food as long as he’s hydrated.  Ryan used his new car seat for the first time for this trip, and boy do I miss the portable one already!

Dave is beginning to recover from a few days of a pretty bad cold.  It is the sickest I’ve ever seen him since I’ve known him, and we’re both a little terrified that Ry will catch it.   I think the hardest part of his cold for Dave was that he had to go a few days without holding his son.  Ryan has yet to be sick except a couple of days of a runny nose back in early January.