Ryan’s First Steps & 11th Month Gallery

Just a few days before Ryan turned 11th months, Jen was playing with him on the floor seeing how long he could stand by himself without something to lean on. We decided to see if he would walk a few steps unsupported between us, and he did! Up until this point, he has been “cruising” for several weeks (where he’s holding on to something like the couch, and walking alongside it.)

Now he’s starting to look to take a few steps from one thing he’s holding to another, without Mom or Dad involved. It’s fun to watch because he’s very uncertain of these steps, and tends to lunge toward the next item he’s going to lean on.

So here’s the video:

[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/DSCN5180.flv 320 240]

Then I added the 11th Month gallery, as well as completed the 10th Month gallery. Here are the quick links:

Ryan’s 10th Month

Ryan’s 11th Month