It’s been too terribly long since I’ve updated, so I’m bound to miss a few things.  Anyway, Ryan is more and more of a joy.   He went from taking 2-3 steps very cautiously to cruising the whole living room and turning 180’s without falling down within one month.  He gives hi fives, claps his hands and will show you “how big is Ryan” on request.   His favorite word is still dadada.  On a special occasion I will hear mamama.   His one Dr. visit found him in outstanding health.  It worries me that I haven’t had to even test his temp in several months.  I’m sure the monsoon is coming.   He’s fallen in the growth percentile from 95 to 60 which the doctor says is still fine.  It must have something to do with Ry refusing to eat again.  He’s still loving his formula but doesn’t have the patience to chew – we’re working on that.  We celebrated his 1st birthday recently.  All the Michigan aunts and grandparents showed up,  plus a few cousins.  Great party, thanks to all who attended.

We also recently took a camping trip.  Ry tends to not sleep as well when away from home, so it was a bit of a challenge to get him down for his two naps plus bedtime every day, but it was worth it.  Lots of fun.  I got cold at night but Ry was snug as a bug cuddled up to daddy.

I need to work on Dave to get a few more pictures up.  I think Ry has grown so much.  He’s up to 23.6 lbs and 30 inches.  He gets heavy very fast.  Mom has got to grow some muscles!