Ryan Update

So, I’m certainly not posting often enough as so much has happened at I’m surely not remembering it all as I should.

Anyway, I had to leave Ry alone with David for a couple of days due to my Grandpa’s death and funeral.  D. wasn’t feeling well and I wasn’t up for taking care of Ry as well as myself during this time, so I left Ryan with David while I went to Indiana for a couple of days.  Gladly I was nothing less than stunned with this little unplanned experiment.  Not only did David and Ryan have a wonderful time together without too much fussiness- David cooked (which I don’t do hardly ever), he cleaned, and he took Ry out shopping.  David ended up feeling closer and more bonded to his son, which I would not have believed possible or necessary.  And they both enjoyed the time.   Dave was at least as good, if not better, at being full time mom than I am.  That’s it,  I’m leaving more often!  Though at least Ry was happy to see me when I got home.   I’d hate to be forgotten.

Ryan is still not babbling much, but he started adding g’s to his vocabulary on Christmas day.  Merry Christmas to Me!  Since then we’ve heard L’s, lots of z’s, and just today I heard a D or two.   I expect dada will come before mama– sweet just the same.

He absolutely loves having his teeth brushed, so I’ve started doing it 3x a day after meals instead of just once.  When I come toward him with a toothbrush on my finger he’ll open his mouth wide and smile at the same time,  sooooo sweet! And I hope it lasts as we have no dental insurance!

We’ve also recently started the sit up bath.  Ry has a ball splashing around and playing with his toys.   Baths are lasting much longer now that they are fun time.  Dave sets up the heater in the bathroom and gets Ry undressed,  then we play in the water until his little toes are prunes.   He splashes and splashes and plays with his little floaty toys forever.  I will wash him and D.  stands by to pick him up and dry him off, change him into jammies.

Ryan’s most recent trick (just happened today) is being able to get to sitting from his belly.  He’s done it several times, sometimes gets it wrong but now is getting it right more often!  So amazing to see his progress, and I’m so glad that I’m able to be here to see it.  My mom sent Ry a children’s music cd and when I played it for  him today he seemed to be dancing (while sitting) along to the beat!  More and more fun.

He goes through angel days and devil days.  I would like to apologize to all who have experienced the devil days.  One was during the Martin family Christmas.  Uncle Mike was playing with him and Ry decided that the world was coming to an end- for what seemed like hours.  I assure you that is the first time I EVER heard him scream like that and I will attribute it to the packed house as well as the tooth that popped through the next day or two.  Long live Tylenol- He’s had it 2x in his short life now and I’m very grateful for it.

Devil days are usually if not invariably unusual days- days away from the house to visit others or days at the house with others present.  Not fair as I want everyone to see what a wonderful boy we have!!

Ryan’s 7th Month and Holiday Pictures

Ryan is getting pretty close to crawling, he’s getting up on his hands and knees and starting to lunge forward, sometimes dragging his knees a little, sometimes flopping forward to his belly.  Last night I saw him move one knee forward, but didn’t yet go anywhere.  Jen thinks he’ll be crawling in a week, I’m figuring two weeks.

Last night I finished out the 7th month photo gallery, and added pictures from Christmas in Indiana as well.

Quick links:

Ryan’s 7th Month

Christmas in Indiana 2008

Ryan Update

Ry has had his first Christmas celebration this past weekend.  We made it to Indiana to celebrate Grandma Pettet’s 91’st birthday, Uncle Dave’s 50’th and the upcoming holiday.   His aunt Crystal got to meet him for the first time as well.  Ry had a fantastic time with all of the attention over a 2 day span couldn’t stand to sleep through the excitement.  His great grandma as well as great aunts seemed to love holding/rocking him.  He got more spoiled than ever.  So much so that the next 2 nights he refused to go to bed as usual and put up fits until midnight.  As of today I think our sweet baby is back to normal- what a relief.  I don’t think I’m up for staying up until all hours again this soon!

Ry has become a champ at sitting, well for a few minutes at a time anyway, he likes to rock back and forth while sitting.  His hands are always working, manipulating toys, playing with remotes, water bottles,  my hair, anything he can get his hands on.   He’s very ticklish at feet, thighs, neck, ribs and belly- so easy to make him smile-have to work a little harder to get a laugh.   Loves looking in the mirror, riding on our shoulders, bouncing, flying, sitting on a lap.  In general any time he gets close attention he loves it.  Is also playing well on his own for up to a half hour at a time.  He’s starting to put everything into his mouth.  I think teeth number 5 and 6 are coming in and are bothering him more than the first 4.  It’s funny to watch him trying to put things in his mouth that are too big to fit- like his rattle from aunt Val.   He tries over and over and just can’t get it all in.  He loves getting his teeth/gums brushed and will chew on the bristles for a minute after I’m finished.  I try to do it once every day.

He’s managed to scoot backward while on his belly many times now, but has only in the last couple of days made it to his knees- and just barely able to rock back and forth before his legs splay out.   I am in absolutely no hurry for him to become more mobile.

New Galleries – Indiana Gathering and Ryan Pictures

I added a few new galleries today, one from the weekend of November 8, 2008 in Indiana.  Eric and Emily made the trip to Indiana with the triplets, so everyone was together for the weekend at Dave & Mindy’s.  This was the first time Ryan got to meet many of the Pettet family, and there are some great pictures of him with Grandpa and Grandma Pettet.

Also finished the Ryan’s 6th month gallery and started the 7th month.

Quick Links:

Indiana Pettet Family Gathering

Ryan’s 6th Month

Ryan’s 7th Month

Please remember that you’ll need to create a login to view the pictures as of yesterday.  Sign up and I’ll get you activated asap!

1/2 year already?

Time sure does fly.   I’m so thankful to have been able to stay home with Ry for this long now.   He had his 6 month appointment today and Dr. is still very pleased with his progress.  Ryan is 27.5 inches long and weighing in at 18.5 lbs, so maybe growth is slowing a tiny bit but still in the 95’th percentile.  He hasn’t really been sick yet, dr. says it is good for him to get sick(???), but I’m going to keep trying to avoid that for as long as possible.   He has 4 teeth, and we’re thinking of trying some finger foods and advancing to baby yogurt, perhaps baby food type of meats too.  He watches everything we eat or drink with a fascination that makes me feel a tad guilty.  He’s rolling over both ways and can sleep in any position he pleases.  He’s usually down for 10-12 hrs a night though in the last week he has been getting up hungry earlier- hope that passes soon- I had been spoiled by getting a reasonable amount of sleep lately anyway!  I’m starting to think we need more toys.  We have 3 toy “stations” in the living room and he may be getting bored with the same things over and over.  He loves looking at his board books and seems to follow my finger to the pictures when I point out different things.  Sounds like he is waking up now (darn it, thought he was down for the night!)

Ryan’s Fifth and Sixth Month Galleries

I finally got the fifth month pictures up today, and got most of the sixth month up (still 10 days left until he reaches six months, as of today) so I’ll add to this gallery later.

The fifth month gallery has pictures of Ryan with Grandpa Walt, Aunt Karen & Uncle Terry, and Aunt Kim.

The sixth month features Ryan at a pumpkin patch,  and wearing his first halloween costumes.  Jen bought him the dragon outfit, and Grandma Lola brought him the pumpkin outfit.

Quick Links:

Fifth Month

Sixth Month

I don’t mean to brag but….

Seriously, we have the most perfect baby in the world.   He’s sleeping 10-13 hrs a night, usually naps on schedule and lots and lots of smiles!  Dave thinks if we have another  we would surely not be so lucky.  I spend much of my days thanking God for this miracle.  In the last couple of days he has mastered the back to front roll and has been able to switch his sleeping and/or playing positions at will.  He no longer needs to be held most of the time, is more happy playing with his toys, bouncing in his chair- but of course still gets more TLC when necessary.  The kid can eat like a horse.  He’s now taking 4 oz jars of fruits or veges mixed with cereal 2x a day, that’s made breast feeding so much easier.

His most fun moments are bouncing, being chewed on (he laughs hysterically),  having a diaper changed (go figure), kissed on, etc.  Most times I just can’t get enough of him.   Dave is making it home from work earlier these days- wants to see Ryan before his bedtime, and that works out great.  After 5 or so Ry is ready for a change of scenery and I’m so happy to see the 2 of them together.   Dave is still crazy about his son and I imagine this will be permanent, so I should probably just stop mentioning it.   He’s the first to get him out of his crib in the a.m. because he wants some quality time in the morning and he’s normally the one to put him to bed too.

Last weekend we took a trip to the Lansing area for Dave’s annual class get together.  Left Ry with Kim and Mike.  Soooo hard for me, but apparently Ryan lived through it.  This weekend we’re really looking forward to getting to introduce him to  his triplet cousins.  Really looking forward to that and hope lots of family will make it.  Need to buy a new carseat for him as we are kind of having to squish him into this one now that he is so big.  I  estimate 18 lbs and who knows how tall, but 26.5 inches 6 weeks ago.

We have so many good pictures of him now– just need to get David better about posting them!! my project for the week..


Jen and I discovered Ryan’s first two teeth coming in this week.  They’re coming in from the bottom front – in fact, they’ve completely broken through at this point.  Ryan has been no more fussy than usual (not often, only when he’s bored or tired) over the last few weeks, so he’s a pretty tough little guy.

He’s also started laughing once in a while.  You have to catch him in the right mood, but when he’s having a good time you can go after his belly and he’ll crack up.  The first time I made him laugh in front of Jen, she cried.  It’s fun to watch her bittersweet moments in his development.  He’s changing so fast!

He has also started on solid foods in the past week or two.  Squash, green beans, and sweet peas have been in the diet so far.  Much to Mom’s chagrin, he’s already showing signs of independence from breast feeding.  Certain meals are better for breast feeding, such as early morning breakfast or mid-day snacks, but when he wants to get down to eating, he likes the bottle.

He’s also mostly able to sit up on his own now, if you put him in a sitting position and let him stabilize first.  He has the forward and back movement under control, but the side to side balance is still a bit of a challenge.

Every day brings new fun!